
Dr Barry offers workshops on various topics relating to health in the Traditional Tibetan Medical system. Workshops are offered with a minimum number of 7 participants.

For more detailed information or to arrange for a workshop at your venue please call Dr Barry Clark on 0420 926 488

Group of participants in a workshop
Transformational Secrets of Diet and Nutrition
2 day workshop or
2 hour summarised workshop

A workshop covering diet and nutrition with a huge number of practical applications and benefits.

Causes and Treatment of Depression
2 hour workshop

Workshop on the causes and treatment of depression from numerous perspectives, including diet and nutrition, behavioural factors, climate, environment, meditation and medicines.

Your Health Problems Explained and Treated
2 hour workshop

Workshop on the unique Tibetan medical approach to diagnosing and treating all the well known health problems, with numerous practical examples.

The Five-Point Weight-Loss Programme
1 hour workshop

Workshop on The Five-Point Weight-Loss Programme, both accessible and exotic techniques that can be integrated with any lifestyle or therapy.

Rejuvenation Methods & Essence-extraction Techniques
2 day intensive workshop

The path to super health. Including how to prepare Nectar Pills and transform them with Essence-Extraction techniques and advanced Tantric Yoga techniques.

Herbs and Medicinal Plants of Tibet and Australia
2 hour workshop

Workshop on the Tibetan herbs and medicinal plants of Australia & the Australian herbs & medicinal plants of Tibet.

Functions & Effects of Numerous Types of Spirits
2 hour workshop

Workshop on the nature, functions and effects of numerous types of spirits (not the kinds that you see or drink).